About IBB Library


Vision of the Library

The library would seek to become a unique repository of knowledge in science and Technology and providing library services comparable to those of world best universities

Mission of the Library

To provide academic support services to the University in teaching, research and development and publication. This would be effectively done by providing learning spaces and materials such as books, current journals, access to databases and other educational media. The library would also provide library instructions to users to aid their quick retrieval of information.



Membership of the Library is open to all undergraduate, postgraduate students and staff of the University. The registration process involves visiting the circulation desk or online through the use of OPAC but capturing (passport) of prospective users is done at the circulation desk of the Library.


Registered members can borrow materials as indicated:

  1. Academic staff: 5 items (4 weeks)
  2. Post-Graduates: 3 items (2 weeks)
  3. Undergraduates: 2 items (2 weeks)

Rules on Library use

  1. Order and silence must be maintained at all times in the Library.
  2. Eating, drinking and sleeping in the Library is prohibited.
  3. Briefcases, bags, overcoats, hats, umbrellas, etc, are not allowed in the library.
  4. All persons entering the library must show their university ID to the security staff.
  5. All persons leaving the library must show all their documents to the Library Assistant/Security staff at exit.
  6. Stealing or attempting to steal a library document or any of the library property is an offense and the culprit will be punished according to the laws
  7. The library will not take responsibility for loss or damage of personal property left in the reading and baggage areas.
  8. Handheld devices like Mobile phones, tablets and other devices likely to cause disturbances should not be used in the library unless their use is silent.
  9. Damage of library materials, equipment, property, or building is prohibited and must be reported immediately to a member of library staff. Those responsible must pay for the damage.
  10. Use of external storage devices like flash drives, memory card readers and hard-disk are not allowed on the Library Computers
  11. Use of the Library Computers for pornographic content, game playing, e-trade, hacking and other illegal activities or changing Network settings is prohibited.
  12. Personalising Library computers by putting on a password is prohibited.
  13. Reservation of sits/chairs for friends or colleagues are not allowed
  14. Library patrons are not allowed to return books consulted to the shelves.

Prof K.A Saka

University Librarian


Prof. K.A Saka holds NCE; BLIS; MLS and PhD degree in Library and Information Science from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; Bayero University, Kano and University of Maiduguri, Nigeria respectively. He joined the services Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria on August 2005 as Assistant lecturer in the Department of Library and Information Technology. He steadily progressed to the rank of Associate Professor in October 2019. He was Head of Department between 1st October, 2015 and 6th January, 2021. Prof. Saka was appointed as substantive University Librarian on March 2021. He is a member of Nigeria Library Association (NLA), National Association of Library and Information Science Educators (NALISE) and Association of University Librarians in Nigeria Universities (AULNU). He has been certified by the Teacher’s Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) and Librarian’s Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN). Prof. Saka is widely published in peer-review journals, conference proceedings, textbook and book chapters respectively. He is visible at local, national and international Conferences. Prof. Saka is happily married and blessed with children. He can be reached at: